We got everything organized just in time, because our first weekend was a holiday! There were a lot of people out in the park for Memorial Day weekend. Saturday and Sunday were really busy, and Marc and I took turns staffing the visitor center while the other roved outside, talking to visitors at the overlooks and on the paths. Monday it was just me working at Miner’s Castle, so I had to close the visitor center to take my lunch break.
There was still a lot of ice out on Lake Superior, and it kept moving around! Even though it had been pretty clear when the four of us were out there earlier in the week, now there were a lot of big floes that had blown in. It still wasn't as thick as that first day Dad and I were there.
A lot of things have been changing, as spring arrives in the Upper Peninsula. A week ago, there were no leaves on any of the trees. Four days ago, there were bright yellow-green leaves on the birches.