Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hognose snakes – such drama!

Hognose snakes are known for their dramatic performances. Specifically, the lengths they go to in order to persuade whatever has frightened them that messing with them is a bad idea. They have several variations:

First, they will shake their tail very hard so that it rustles the leaves and might just make you think they are a rattlesnake. A lot of nonvenomous snakes do this particular trick, actually.

They will pretend to strike, but instead of biting they just head-butt you. If you saw a snake dart out at you and you felt something, you’d probably be fooled!

They will flatten out their neck and rear up like a cobra! (This is the one from the Naturalist office here at Montauk State Park – Steve sometimes takes it out and provokes it into doing this. I do not, as I have no confidence in my ability to keep it from heading for the hills.)

Now it has curled up, hiding its head under its tail for protection.

The most well-known trick is that they will play dead - but it often turns into quite a production! The snake will pretend to go into convulsions. “I’m sick! I’m sick! I’m dying! You wouldn’t want to eat me, not when I’m so SICK!” The snake then eventually flips over on its back and sticks its tongue out. It won’t move for quite a while, and even then it will peek to make sure no one is around.

I remember once on a hike, we saw a hognose go into its act – “I’m dying, I’m dying, I’m deeead…” and flip over on its back. One person reached out and turned it right side up again. Immediately the actor protested against this interference and insisted on flipping back over. “No, no, no, can’t you see, I’m supposed to be DEAD!!!” Sadly, I don’t have any pictures of this, but there are plenty of videos on youtube. 

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