I have been wanting to do a longer hike for a while now. The Mosquito Loop Trail is just under five miles, not too far for a day’s walk. I had planned to do it a few weeks ago but there was too much rain. There was a lot of rain this week, too, but I really wanted to get out there! I did wait an extra day, going Thursday instead of Wednesday, so there would be one more day for some of the water to drain away.
The trailhead is at the end of Chapel Road, which is unpaved and can be pretty rough. They’ve filled in the worst of the holes from this winter, but there were still some good-sized potholes. It took a while to drive down to the trailhead.
There are several interconnecting loop trails that start at the Chapel trailhead. I took the one that goes to Mosquito Falls, then follows the Mosquito River to Mosquito beach, then goes back to the start. (Don’t be fooled by the name – they’re everywhere. Equal opportunity, that’s what I tell visitors when they crack a joke half-seriously about the name of that particular trail…)
It was a very pretty hike. The first part was fairly open, with trees on either side, and some little marshy areas. After the trail split, it started going uphill. It wasn’t seriously steep but it was constantly going up for quite a while, so it was a workout. The mosquitoes were not too bad, but I still didn’t want to stop long enough for them to find me, so I was pushing pretty hard – in between taking flower photos, of course!
I saw a lot of different flowers, but I also noticed a lot of familiar plants that now were beginning to produce fruit! It’s fun getting to watch the whole cycle!
Mosquito Falls is not very big – it’s a drop of only a few feet, but there’s a lot of water going over that small space, and it is quite lovely. There were actually several falls – the first big drop, then a series of small cascades, then another bigger cascade. I’m pretty sure the first one is the actual Mosquito Falls.
The trail leveled off again soon after that, and I found myself walking through beautiful open forest. The trees were mostly sugar maple, but so tall that I didn’t even notice until I saw all the smaller ones growing near the trail. Tall and slender, with branches all at the top so that I had a clear view for a long way through the trees, and the forest seemed very light.
It was about this time that I started scaring up chipmunks. After the fourth time, I decided to keep count. My tally at the end of the hike was 27 chipmunks – that I saw! There were definitely a lot more that I did not see; I could hear their alarm calls chirping back and forth. But there were quite a few that were right by the trail that got startled by my sudden appearance. A startled chipmunk will almost always run to get on top of something like a log; I’ve seen it many times before, and saw it a number of times again! I got several more photos for my collection of Chipmunks Up On A Log.
I crossed a stream and the terrain started sloping gradually down again. The forest had more open spaces, and there were more marshy areas – and squishy spots on the trail! I had to step carefully, because my hiking shoes are not waterproof!
When I got near Mosquito Beach – a little more than halfway around the loop, and the place where I planned to stop for lunch – there were a lot of trails going back and forth to backcountry campsites, and I got turned around. I missed the steps down near the middle of the beach, but I did find a path down at the eastern end of the beach, just before the loop continued. I was a little surprised to find the beach was actually crowded – one of the kayak tours had pulled up, and there were a LOT of people there! I think it would be fun to do something like that – but that’s a long way to paddle.
I picked a rock in the shade and sat down to enjoy my lunch. It was almost 2 pm at this point – just under three hours since I started out. That had been the longer section of the hike, but not by that much – just under three miles! Of course, I did do a lot of stopping for photos, especially at Mosquito Falls.
Mosquito Beach is one of the places where a stream flows into the lake, so the cliffs have been eroded down to a sand beach. I was right next to the stream, which flows over flat sandstone layers. It’s interesting to see the layered sandstone outcrops on the other side of the stream, but eroded igneous and metamorphic rock boulders lining the shore where the stream flows out of the woods. Apparently they’ve been washed down during floods.
I couldn’t go to a beach without getting my feet wet, so I took off my shoes and socks and rolled up my jeans – and was instantly attacked by stable flies! It was a small swarm, but with a vicious bite. I couldn’t get into the water fast enough. I walked into the lake along the sand first, then waded across the stream to look at the rock layers on the other side. I hadn’t thought to bring water sandals, so I had to be careful where I stepped on my bare feet! I didn’t realize how cold my feet had gotten until I went to put my shoes back on. It’s hard to tell how tight or loose your shoes are when your feet are that cold! I had to sit for a minute or two and then adjust.
I went back into the woods, and thankfully the flies stayed back at the beach. Before I left the shore there were some stairs down to another view of the rocks, and then I was heading back. This side of the loop had a lot more squishy spots – not marsh, just lots of mud. I was able to step around most of it, or on roots, but a few places I had to just step down carefully and hope for the best! The mosquitoes did find me along here, and I actually had to put my head-net on for a while.
I kept counting chipmunks, but the most exciting wildlife I
saw was silent and tiny. I noticed a butterfly hanging below a twig, and
thought at first it was caught in a spider web – then I realized it was hanging
from a chrysalis! It had only just emerged and was still resting and gathering
strength for its first flight. It was amazing. It was beautiful.
I was enjoying walking through the woods, but my feet were starting to complain a little – and it was getting pretty warm! So it was exciting to hear voices and realize I was almost back to where the trail had split near the beginning – only a third of a mile to go! It was an uphill slope for most of that – I didn’t remember going down so much, but you don’t really notice that kind of thing going down! It was great to get back to the car, take off my long-sleeved shirt (for sun and insect protection) and loosen my shoes.
The Mosquito Loop is a beautiful trail. I’d do it again. I am hoping to do the Chapel Loop as well, which is about six miles – the views would definitely be worth it!
Canada Violet fruit! |
Wild Lily-of-the-Valley fruit! |
Teeny-tiny mushroom on a bed of very fluffy moss! |
The forest floor was incredibly green. |
Look close - it's a tiny white spider that just took down a fly! |
I noticed the beaver-chewed stump... |
Then I turned a corner and saw the pond! |
Elderberry in bloom. Apparently flies really like these flowers - must be a pollinator! |
Mosquito Falls. I think... |
Take another look at this one. Doesn't it look like a giant squid? |
This might also be Mosquito Falls. Either way, they're both pretty! |
Someone has been munching on this leaf... sort of a tie-dyed effect! |
False Solomon's Seal fruit! |
Nodding Trillium fruit! |
Chipmunk on a stump! |
Canada Anemone - a new one for me! |
Wild Geranium. I've seen this before. |
There were banks of these wild roses growing at the edge of the beach. They smelled heavenly. (Yes, that's sand inside the flower!) |
I spotted this tiny fish while eating lunch by the stream. It's not even an inch long. It was browsing around the edge of a calm pool in the lee of a small boulder. I couldn't believe I was able to get a photo of it! |
Rounded igneous and metamorphic boulders... |
And flat, thin sandstone layers. |
What a view! |
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