Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bear update!

Today when I was eating breakfast, I vaguely noticed a truck go by and stop outside the house. When I went outside later, I found that we now have a bear-proof trash can! I was going to take the trash out anyway, but this thing almost had me stuck - the top is incredibly heavy, and you have to lift it straight up, then twist. I think next time it's my turn I will ask one of the others to come out and we'll each take one handle - I'm afraid I'll injure myself otherwise. Seriously.

Then when I got back from my trip, I had to pull over and get a photo of the bear scat by the road! I'm not sure if this is today's or not, but the pile that was in the middle of the road yesterday wasn't there anymore - I would guess it was removed so people wouldn't be freaking out about bears.

It seems this bear has been eating a lot of berries with big pits. Chokecherries, maybe? This is not my field...

Here's one with my phone for scale.

Well, even if I don't get to see the bear, at least I got a picture to prove it was here!

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