Sunday, June 29, 2014

So that's why they call them CHIPmunks!

I’ve been seeing chipmunks along the edge of the parking lot at Miner’s Castle. I’d seen them occasionally, but recently the elm tree near my parking space released its seeds, and a lot of them have blown up against the edge of the grass and the parking lot. This is an all-you-can-eat buffet for the chipmunks, who don’t even have to dig through the grass for the seeds!

Today, however, they were going for something more than seeds. I was almost to my car when I spotted two chipmunks a couple of spaces over. One seemed to be foraging for seeds, but the other one was wrestling with the wrapper from a snack-sized bag of Doritos! The other one came over to investigate, and crunched the wrapper – causing the first one to jump in terror and flee into the grass! Then he came back and they were squabbling over the prize. I watched for a minute before going over and confiscating the chip bag, sending it to be forever out of reach in the bear-proof trash can.

It’s a shame someone didn’t throw their trash away, but at least I got a cute performance out of it!

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