I took my camera with me when I was walking around between the overlooks during work today. I got a slightly different angle of Miner's Castle, got some more flower photos - and snuck up on a chipmunk! I had stopped to get out my phone to check the time, and heard or saw something out of the corner of my eye. A little chipmunk, a few feet from the path - maybe eight or ten feet from me - was digging in the leaves of the forest floor. He was very intent on his task, but at the same time very alert: dig-dig-dig-dig-dig pop-up-and-look-around! dig-dig-dig-dig-dig pop-up-and-look-around!
He was so intent that I was able to sneak up on him while he was digging! I was going to try and get a photo, but his popping up every few seconds was so funny that I decided to try for a video! Of course after that he stopped popping up, but it's still pretty cute! Here's a link:
And here are some of my photos from Miner's Castle.
Sneaking a peek at the Castle...
More bluebead lilies.
Patches of wind and calm make patterns on the surface of Lake Superior.
A little blurry, but this is wild lily-of-the-valley!
Bumblebee! It's hard work pollinating all those bluebead lilies!
Jack-in-the-Pulpit! I never noticed the leaves before, but now I see why it's sometimes mistaken for trillium when it's not blooming.
And some more lovely purple-backed Canadian violets.
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